Director, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU,
Professor, Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science SFedU, Russia
Full Professor, Scientific Center CINVESTAV, Mexico
Scientific Director till June 2022, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Research interests: development of efficient and practical methods of solution of direct and inverse spectral problems of mathematical physics
UC Santa Barbara, USA and
Regional Mathematical Center of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Corr. member of RAS,
Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chief Researcher, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Russia
Professor, St. Petersburg State University,
Chief Researcher, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Russia
Southern Mathematical Instituteof Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS,
Leading Researcher, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Research interests: theory of homogeneous orthogonally additive polynomials in vector and Banach lattices
Head of Department, Institute of Mathematics Mechanic and Computer Sciences SFedU,
Chief Researcher, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Russia
Research interests: multidimensional integral operators with homogeneous kernels in spaces of integrable functions, convolution type operators in Morrey spaces, operator Banach algebras and applications
Research interests: optimization methods in financial and economic problems
Full Professor, Scientific Center CINVESTAV, Mexico,
Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
PhD Student, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria
Junior Researcher, Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, Russia
Research interests: convex analysis, optimisation and operator theory.
Research interests: harmonic analysis, operator theory.
Research interests: neural networks, fractional equations.
Research interests: A Class of Hausdorff–Berezin Operators.
Doctor of Science
Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" RAS, Moscow, Russia
Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan